The Common Calcaneal Tendon Repairs – Our Achilles Heel?

Category: Orthopaedic Club


European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery
Royal College Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Surgery (Ortho)

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About The Webinar

The common calcanean tendon comprises three main part

  1. the paired tendons of the gastrocnemius muscles
  2. the combined tendon of the gracilis, semitendinous and biceps femoris muscles
  3. the tendon of the superficial digital digital flexor muscle

The complete complex structure is referred to as the Achilles tendon as it passes distally from the stifle to the calcaneus. Injury to this tendon can involve the complete tendon or just part and are often referred to as complete or partial tears or ruptures. Treatment and rehabilitation of these injuries offers a significant challenge if we hope to restore normal function. In this presentation we will look at the anatomy and structure of this tendon, will consider the challenges posed in treating injuries and discuss some of the more common method of treatment.

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