Feline Skull Fractures

Category: Orthopaedic Club


American, European & RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery
American Specialist in Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

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About The Webinar

Feline skull injuries include mandibular and maxillary fractures. Car accidents more commonly cause severe and multiple head injuries, while falls from a height more likely cause simple fractures, such as mandibular symphyseal separations or split palate. The main objectives of treatment of mandibular and maxillary fractures are restoration of dental occlusion and function of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), essential for feeding and grooming. However, animals with head injuries frequently present other critical injuries, such as brain trauma, shock or airway injuries. Therefore, it is essential to perform a complete examination, including neurological examination, initial stabilisation and critical care, and nutritional support. Advanced imaging, such as CT, is useful as the superimposition of skull structures can make visualization of fractures challenging. Treatment varies depending on the severity of the injuries, displacement and instability of fragments and dental occlusion, and may include conservative or surgical management with cerclage wires, k-wires, plates or external fixators.

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